I am Daya Krajenbrink. I received the name Daya from Osho in India in 1980.
In Osho’s vision, the body is extremely important: your body is your temple. You can relieve tension through the body, you can use the body to increase awareness, and, last but not least, you can enjoy your body. I did Rebalancing training with Osho in India. Rebalancing aims at making you more aware of what you feel: physically, emotionally and also in your thoughts.
After completing my Rebalancing course, I went on to learn Tibetan Pulsing, called “High-tech Tantra” as well; it’s a very intense way of bodywork that is meant for transformation. If, for example, you work on the ‘hara’, aggression or weakness can be transformed into energy and can become centered. There are 24 energy circuits, each of which has its own characteristics.
Rebalancing is about getting more in touch with how our body feels: where we are tensed up and how it feels if we can release this tension. Sometimes we have tensed up muscles in the past in order to feel less. We have built up a sort of armor, and if this tension is touched it might mean that we feel that emotion once again; we become softer and more sensitive. Sometimes we achieve a very deep state of relaxation, a feeling that everything is all right.
Rebalancing uses the following techniques:
Deep muscle and deep tissue massage, where I work slowly and gradually, to give the body time to let go of the tension. Relaxation of the joints: a playful movement and shaking the limbs and spine, stretches and gentle techniques. If you book several sessions, a different part of the body can be treated in each session according to a particular sequence to get a deeper effect.
I also give Hot Stone Massage.
The purpose of my massages is to give deep relaxation so your body becomes a source of energy.